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Atmosphere - ionosphere, problem about the atmosphere - greenhouse effect and global warming

Author: Giga Mzhavanadze
Keywords: Atmosphere - greenhouse effect, global warming

Global climate change is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases. The concentration of greenhouse gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, nitrogen oxide, fluorocarbons, etc.) in the atmosphere depends on the temperature of the earth, and there is a positive feedback between them, which increases the risk of "avalanche effects". Consequently, as a result of global warming, the "avalanche effect" could lead to global freezing rather than global warming. In the industrial age, the main cause of global temperature change is caused by anthropogenic factors, to which is added the coincidence of natural factors. According to the decision of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, carbon dioxide and methane have a major impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Also noteworthy is the fact that global warming has led to a reduction in snow cover. As a result, it is possible to increase the water vapor and thaw the fertile soil (which is already observed in the Arctic). Under the influence of these processes, the temperature of the oceans increases due to the high content of carbon dioxide (pH). In order to solve the problems caused by global climate change, it is necessary for each of us to take various measures to alleviate the negative impact of this problem.

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