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LED Driver for ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Photomultiplier Tube Testing

Author: Pavle Tsotskolauri
Keywords: LED Driver, PMT, ATLAS, CERN, Tile Calorimeter

Project Describes „LED Driver Board“, which is subsystem of mobile testbench “PROMETEO” (Portable ReadOut ModulE for Tilecal ElectrOnics). Main goal of LED Driver board is to test and certify the correct functionality of Photomultiplier tubes (PMT). This project is part of LHC phase-2 upgrade, where all the old electronics part of ATLAS Tile Calorimeter will be upgraded. One of the most important part of new electronics is PMT-Blocks. In order to properly test them, LED Board needs to create same light impulse, which will be occurred during proton collision in Tile Calorimeter.

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