Introduction of ERP model in small business
Author: Avtandil UshikishviliAnnotation:
ERP system is an information system that manages information about the company's products, customers, suppliers, employees, manufacturing facilities, financial balances, etc. ERP systems have been around for many years and are improving every year with the development of technology. The main problem of this system is the timely receipt of information, analysis, processing and generation of preliminary statistics. It is quite a complicated and complex process. Information is collected every year and as the demand for business grows, so does the number of consumers and products. Processing this data is a growing process every year and is also costly financially. Businesses have to purchase additional hardware and software. It is impossible for small businesses to cover these costs. Without an ERP system their existence is almost impossible. I have been researching for a long time how to solve these problems and how to create a common system that would suit all small and large businesses at the lowest possible cost. Given Microsoft's flexibility, the best solution was to use ASP.Net Core technology. It does not require any license and is Open Source, at the same time Cross-Platform, which means that the application can be run on both Windows and Linux and other operating systems. Due to the diversity of the Erp system, the business has the opportunity to choose the desired and convenient database for it. In our case I chose MSSQL, which allows timely processing of information and delivery to its users. Often the client does not spend a lot of money on quality equipment, so he buys relatively low-quality equipment. Therefore, in our case, the application is hosted on the Cloud, which allows us to purchase relatively fewer resources, Cloud offers horizontal and vertical scaling, which allows the business to spend as little as possible resources and thus get maximum performance. The app is designed to fit any business and it can work without any flaws. The latter gives us minimal savings and as a result we get the highest level of application performance.