Biophysical aspects of the biological activities of bacteria (multiplication over time, action of antibiotics).
Author: Nata GoletianiKeywords: biophysics, bacteria, antibiotics, multiplication, turbidimetry
World of microorganisms and observation on their biological activity is an important factor for modern world health care and for public safety. Bacterial resistance against antibiotics gives us a chance to develop treatment for infection diseases. Bacteria in modern researches gives exact information about their activity, multiplying and about restraining. In our work bacteria and their mathematical analysis for growth are detailed characterized, we also discuss Escherichia Coli and classes of antibiotics. One of the most important issue is basic mechanisms of antibiotic actions against bacterial cell. Establishing effectiveness of antimicrobial agents and in the process of bacterial growth increasing turbidity is the reason we use Turbidimetry. It’s useful to observe cellular growth in continuous time, which is important for understanding bacterial and antimicrobial agent’s activity. Besides that, with turbidimetry we can explain interrupted growth reasons. Finally, our work shows that in stationary phase when the media is not inhibited, interrupting bacterial growth can be caused by so many other factories. One of the most important reason is antibiotic mechanisms and activity against bacterial resistance. Nowadays developing antibiotics is so useful for treating bacterial infections, for making vaccines etc.
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ბაქტერიების ბიოლოგიური აქტივობების (გამრავლება დროში,ანტიბიოტიკების მოქმედება) ბიოფიზიკური ასპექტები. [ka]