Large-scale velocity and magnetic fields formation in the binary systems - Equilibrium analysis
Author: Elene SaralidzeKeywords: White dwarf stars, Binary systems, Large-scale vector fields, Beltrami-Bernoulli Equilibrium
Through the equilibrium analysis of astrophysical binary systems consisting of degenerate (d) electron-ion gas with small fraction of the relativistic hot (h) electron-ion gas we explored the creation of new macro-scales due to the different nature relativism in the characteristic parameters opening the new pathways for energy transformation. We’ve shown the possibility of the catastrophic formation of the large-scale velocity/magnetic fields when there is a transformation of one type energy to another; both temperature electrons as well as the ions are assumed to be mobile in the study. The results for the classical mobile ions are compared with the limiting case of immobile ion-fluid. We found that the formation of the large-scale fast degenerate electron flows is possible for rather wide range of characteristic parameters of the system. These results are very important for the study of stellar evolution and collapse problems.