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"Monitoring of invasion of Japanese Beatle (Popillia japonica) in surrounding of airport areas"

Author: Konstantine Buchukuri

The Japanese beetle Popillia japonica is a member of the Scarabidae family, an invasive, herbivorous pest of the 79-family and over 300 plant species. Adult insects infect fruits, vegetables, grains and other agricultural crops, ornamental and wild plants, and the larvae feed on the roots of various herbs causing great damage to lawns, golf courses and pastures. The Japanese beetle has not been recorded in Georgia so far and having in mind constantly widened area of distribution research aimed to study its existence and monitor its spread. The surroundings of Tbilisi Airport were chosen as the study area (pest infestation is often associated with the arrival of cargo by planes and intensive movement of passengers). Investigation started on April 26 of this year. according to the relevant instructions, we placed 10 yellow-green pheromone traps delivered by Tress company. The minimum distance between the traps was 50 m, and the distance above the ground was 1-1.5 m. Monitoring provided on a weekly basis. Trapped insects were placed in labeled alcohol containers and delivered to the laboratory for examination and identification. Date were recorded in a journal, while identified insects were returned into the alcohol containers. As a result of the research (14/05 / 2021-26 / 06/2021), following insects were identified: Order Coleoptera and scarab, orders Diptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera. The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) was not found, therefore we can say that the invasion of this insect in Georgia is not confirmed. As for the frequency of encountering Hymenopteras, we can assume that they were attracted not by a pheromone itself, but by the sharp yellow color of the trap, since it is known that the yellow color is particularly attractive to many groups of insects.

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