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IoT BCI Perspective

Author: Demuri Lomsadze
Co-authors: Lela Mirtskhulava
Keywords: Brain-Computer Interface, Electroencephalography, Internet of Things, signal processing

The rapid development of information technology is increasingly reducing the iterative behaviors routine in the daily life of human and for the foreseeable future offers the interaction of humans, as users with the effector devices by the typical physical human interaction methods - visual, audio or typing, to bring to the next level – interaction with the intention translation devices. This paper discusses non-invasive brain-computer interface (BCI) methodologies for obtaining and further processing brainwave signals recorded through Electroencephalography (EEG), that can be integrated into both medicine and Internet of Things (IoT) environment. The presented methods of processing the received raw data uses: EEGLAB built-in tool in MATLAB; ESP32 microcontroller with open source software and reduced components; An easy-to-use, commercialized, Proprietary software device with a unified deep learning framework (DL Framework).

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IoT BCI პერსპექტივა [ka]

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