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An online platform for communicating with convicts

Author: Saba Gotsiridze
Co-authors: Saba Gotsiridze, Nia Salukvadze
Keywords: Video call, visitor, convict, online meeting

The presented thesis envisages the establishment of a new system the purpose of which is to enable the virtual communication between the convict and the visitor through avoiding physical meeting. The urgency of this issue is growing, considering the digitalization of different highly-demanded services, including the arrangement of "a date" with the convicted person. Given today's reality, we propose to create a new platform, which will greatly simplify and refine the already existing process of arranging an online meeting between the convict and the visitor. Furthermore, the already existing system offered by the National Probation Agency would become far more organized, compact and flexible. As a result, such an initiative will ensure the development of a stand-alone system, combining a number of built-in modules and functionalities that provide virtual communication behind bars.

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