Study of total antioxidant properties of rat liver caused by flavonoids
Author: ketevan tsanavaCo-authors: Ketevan Tsanava
In recent times, the negative factors caused by environmental factors have received a lot of attention: oxidative stress, which develops negative processes in living organisms, such as age-related diseases, heart attacks, oncological diseases, respiratory diseases ... Organisms have antioxidant systems to protect themselves from oxidative stress: there are two groups: enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems. Enzymatic includes superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidases .. Non-enzymatic include flavonoids, vitamins, ... Flavonoids are secondary metabolites of the plant, they reduce the intensity of free radical processes, thus protecting the body from oxidative stress. Demonstrating antioxidant activity in vitro is well studied, its action in vivo is less studied. They may also exhibit prooxidant activity, which is directly related to their concentration. The effects of enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems of the antioxidant system have been studied, but their dependence on each other in terms of pathology and norm is less studied. Therefore, in our study was to we investigated the increase in the concentration of the intermediate product of lipid peroxidation - malone dealdehyde. At the beginning of the experiment, we extracted a flavonoid fraction from Saperavi grapes made by the Georgian traditional method, and determined the total content of flavonoids and phenols in it. After that we explored their in vivo action on the total antioxidant activity in rat liver by determining the change in malon dealdehyde concentration. The results showed that a 5-day injection of quercetin and a flavonoid fraction excreted from wine in experimental rats did not show any reliable effect on the total antioxidant properties in rat liver.