Macro component composition of the river Vere
Author: tinatini omsarashviliKeywords: River Vere, hydrochemistry, macro-components, biogens
Macro component composition of natural water is determined by its main ions – anion and cation composition. Our purpose was hydrochemical investigation of the river Vere and determination of its chemical composition. In particular, determination of macro components (HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+), biogenic compounds (NH4+, NO2-), permanganate oxidation, estimation of mineralization and pollution level. Water composition of the river Vere belongs to sulfate class, Calcium group, 2nd type - SIICa. It is characterized by high mineralization with the range of 1198-1457 mg/L. In some samples of the river Vere there is a higher concentration of NH4+ and NO2- ions than maximum allowable concentration. The reason is household-wastewater. NH4+ quantity varies between 0.1-0.15 mg/L, while NO2- is around 0.01-0.5 mg/L. Permanganate oxidation corresponds with its limits with the concentration of 0.72-2.88 mg O/L.
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