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Chromatographic study of flurbiprofen adsorption on polysaccharide-based chiral adsorbents

Author: გიზო დოლიძე
Keywords: Enantiomers, Thermodynamic parameters, enthalpy, entropy

Chiral substances are ingredients of food additives, agrochemicals, chemicals, medicines, etc. A molecule is considered chiral if it contains an asymmetric atom (asymmetric centre). Chiral molecules, along with their mirror images, are enantiomers. The enantiomers have same physical and chemical properties in achiral environment and only difference in them is the sign of rotation angle of polarized light and because of this it is very difficult to separate them. But it should be noted that in a chiral environment such as a living organism, they reveal different physiological activity so it is very important to analyze the enantiomers of chiral substances. Chromatographic methods are currently the most effective way to separate enantiomers. One of the best among them is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which is one of the fastest and most sensitive methods for the separation and analysis of enantiomers. In this project we studied the effect of temperature on the separation of enantiomers and calculated the thermodynamic parameters, which in turn help us to determine in advance the specific conditions of the analysis and the possible results. Study was conducted on different temperature and on various stationary phases. We calculated the difference in adsorption enthalpy and adsorption entropy and observed what was the influence of temperature on retention and separation.

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ფლურბიპროფენის ადსორბციის ქრომატოგრაფიული კვლევა პოლისაქარიდული ბუნების ზოგიერთ ქირალურ ადსორბენტზე [ka]

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