Evaluation of miniaturized benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance instrument for obtaining fast structural information
Author: Eka NadiradzeAnnotation:
In last decade, the development of new magnet design materials and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) software and hardware has afforded a new class of NMR: the benchtop spectrometer. Benchtop NMR spectrometers are built around permanent magnets as opposed to the cryogen-cooled magnets used in conventional NMR spectroscopy. Benchtop instruments are relatively less expensive, compact, and some instances portable, meaning that they can be installed and employed at locations and facilities where standard NMR spectroscopy has either not been financially feasible or has been impractical due to physical constraints. In addition, since no liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are required for operation of benchtop NMR instruments, as well as no special training of personnel is needed such instruments can be widely used in instrumental analysis classes and in non-specialized laboratories. Today, benchtop NMR tools are rapidly establishing in both, research and teaching laboratories. The major goal of this thesis was to compare the 60 MHz benchtop miniature nuclear magnetic resonance device with the standard 400 MHz NMR spectrometer for obtaining rapid structural information. To achieve this goal we used 15 compounds, on which we performed 1H, 13C, COSY and HSQC experiments on the both instruments with the same number of scans. The results show that the miniaturized benchtop NMR instruments represents good alternative for standard NMR machines for obtaining a quick structural information.
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სამაგიდო მინიატურული ბირთვულ მაგნიტური რეზონანსის ხელსაწყოს შეფასება სწრაფი სტრუქტურული ინფორმაციის მიღების მიზნით [ka]