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Study of some biological functions of fetal lectin (Agaricus bisporus) in animal system in vitro


Annotation Nato Menteshashvili”s master”s thesis, mushrooms, lectins in some biological functions studying in animal”s system, belongs to wide use of mushrooms, agaricus bisporus,separated from lectins biological characters studying in modal attempts and “in vitro” systems According to research is shown that lectins divided from agaricus bisporus is different from agaricus bisporus ABA/AAL agglutinins, lactose-allocated from mushroom”s head and foot and specific lectine fractions effect is depended on cells type and physical situations(healthy lymphocytes, cancer cells and so on) dispite the fact that allocated lectins give us different affect on liver cell,clearly is shown the affect of lectines, bad,bax, and the inhibition p38-s synthesis, induction of antiapoptotic BCL2 synthesis

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